九州大学 医学研究院臨床・腫瘍外科 | 論文
- 分子生物学的診断 (第108回日本外科学会記念号 特集 膵管内乳頭粘液性腫瘍(IPMN)の最新知見) -- (IPMNの悪性度診断)
- 高危険群から (特集 膵癌の診断と治療) -- (膵癌の早期診断は可能か?)
- 膵グルカゴン(IRG),エンテログルカゴン(EG) (広範囲 血液・尿化学検査 免疫学的検査(第7版・4)その数値をどう読むか) -- (内分泌学的検査 膵・消化管関係)
- 日本における膵内分泌腫瘍の疫学
- 十二指腸水平脚潰瘍穿孔から3年後に診断し得た Zollinger-Ellison 症候群の1例
- PE療法 (cisplatin+etoposide) が有効であった膵原発小細胞癌の1例
- 膵疾患の診断のすすめ方 (特集 進歩した膵炎・膵癌の診療)
- 慢性膵炎の病態と診断 (特集 膵臓病--最近の進歩) -- (炎症性膵疾患)
- Prevention of iatrogenic bile duct injuries in difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomies : is the naso-biliary drain the answer?
- Comparison of recovery of gastric phase III motility and gastric juice output after different types of gastrointestinal reconstruction following pylorus-preserving pancreatoduodenectomy
- Effect of prepyloric gastric transection and anastomosis on sphincter of Oddi cyclic motility in conscious dogs
- Type of gastrointestinal reconstruction affects postoperative recovery after pancreatic head resection
- Complete Extirpation of a Bronchogenic Cyst Causing Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Palsy by Thoracoscopy : Report of a Case
- Clinical aspects of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas
- Appleby Operation for Pancreatic Body-Tail Carcinoma : Report of Three Cases
- Live multi-station teleconferences at the First Biennial Congress of the Asian-Pacific Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association via academic broadband Internet
- VSY-4-9 Progress in Laparoscopic Surgery for Choledochal Cyst and Trend of the World Opinion
- Significant Clinical Differences in Primary Hyperparathyroidism Between Patients with and Those Without Concomitant Thyroid Disease
- Duodenum is important for the sphincter of Oddi motor response to cholecystokinin octapeptide in conscious dogs
- Thyroid Evaluation in Patients with Primary Hyperparathyroidism