九州大学 医学研究院泌尿器科学 | 論文
- Impact of Stent Platform of Paclitaxel-Eluting Stents : Assessment of Neointimal Distribution on Optical Coherence Tomography
- Lymph node metastasis mapping in extended lymphadenectomy to the level of the inferior mesenteric artery for bladder cancer
- Advancements in Urology 2011 : A Japanese Urological Association (JUA)/American Urological Association (AUA) Symposium
- Myelodysplastic syndrome treated effectively with testosterone enanthate
- Exploring immune therapy for renal cancer
- New technique with combination of felt, Hem-o-lok and Lapra-Ty for suturing the renal parenchyma in laparoscopic partial nephrectomy
- Botulinum toxin type A for the treatment of lower urinary tract disorders