九州大学整形外科学教室 | 論文
- Antisense Oligonucleotide による Ewing 肉腫及びPNETの増殖抑制
- 関連外科知識 腋窩ブロック時の腋窩動静脈の位置--超音波装置による調査
- 悪性骨軟部腫瘍の転移 : 基底膜浸潤の分子機構とその制御
- 上腕骨近位部悪性腫瘍切除後の同種骨と人工骨頭の組み合わせによる再建
- 骨巨細胞腫の長期予後
- 骨肉腫の転移 : 基底膜浸潤について
- 橈骨遠位端骨折に対する VariAx plate の治療成績
- 手指, 手関節に生じた Mycobacterium kansasii 感染症について
- Severe Scoliosis Treated with Cotrel-Dubousset Instrumentation.
- Roentgenographic Analysis of Foot Deformity in RA Patient.
- A Case Report of Dysplasia Epiphysealis Hemimelica.
- Three-dimensional Measurement of Range of Motion(ROM) of the Hip Joint.
- 3 cases with neural Tumor, developed in the peripheral and vagus Nerve
- Femoral head necrosis in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
- Preoperative ACTH-test for Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. Following Report.
- An analysis of Failed Total Knee Prostheses.
- Basement Membrane Components Facilitate the Locomotion of Human Fibrosarcoma Cells.
- Retrospective Study of Chemotherapy for 42 Patients with Advanced and Recurrent Sarcoma.
- Mandibular-Tongue Splitting Approach for Treatment of Upper Cervical Spine chordoma. A Case Report.:A Case Report
- Conservative Treatment for Relatively Older Cases in Congenital Dislocation of the Hip