九州労災病院勤労者骨関節研究センター | 論文
- A case of arterio-venous malformation in palmar wrist joint region.
- The Treatment of Pyogenic Bone and Joint Infections by Closed Irrigation
- Radiological Study of Dual Bearing Hip Arthroplasty in Rheumatoid Arthritis.
- Closed Intramedurally Nailing for the Fracture of Long Bones (Especially for the Femoral Shaft Fractures)
- Avascular Necrosis in Compressed Air Workers
- A Study on the Effects of Antibiotics on the Osteogenesis after the Experimental Fracture of the Rats
- Excision of the Tip of the Lateral Malleolus for the Crush Fracture of the Calcaneus
- Pilonidal Cyst; Report of Two Cases
- Surgical treatment for Rheumatoid Hip
- A Case Report of the Myositis Ossificans Traumatica
- Bone and Joint Tuberculosis
- End Result Study of Fractures of The tibial Condyle
- 掌蹠膿疱症にともなった仙腸関節炎の1例
- Epidermoid Cyst of the Cauda Equina with Tight Hamstrings-A Case Report
- The Results of Femoral Osteotomy in Perthes' Disease
- Magnetic resonance imaging of cervical myelopathy.
- Displacement of medial epicondyle of humerus an analysis of forty three cases.
- 支帯切離とドリリングにて治療した有痛性分裂膝蓋骨の3例
- The treatment of the patellar fractures in our clinic.
- Revision of Total Knee Arthroplasty.