久留米大学 医学部皮膚科学 | 論文
- 処方せん医薬品から外れた皮膚科外用薬 (特集 最近のトピックス2010) -- (皮膚科医のための臨床トピックス)
- 角層の若返りが皮膚の若返りに果たす役割
- 抗ラミニンγ1類天疱瘡抗原の同定と病態解明 (AYUMI 自己免疫性水疱症--今日の進歩)
- Plant 115-kDa Actin-Filament Bundling Protein, P-115-ABP, is a Homologue of Plant Villin and is Widely Distributed in Cells
- Identification and purification of novel 195 kDa microtubule-associated proteins from tobacco BY-2 cells
- Purification and Characterization of Plant Dynamin from Tobacco BY-2 Cells
- n-Butanol induces depolymerization of microtubules in vivo and in vitro
- Characterization of a 200 kDa Microtubule-associated Protein of Tobacco BY-2 Cells, a Member of the XMAP215/MOR1 Family
- 薬剤がもたらす皮膚病変(5)高尿酸血症治療薬による皮膚病変
- The Putative RNA-Processing Protein, THO2, is a Microtubule-Associated Protein in Tobacco
- Detection of cortical clathrin at light microscopical level
- 薬疹と遺伝