久留米大学 医学部外科学 | 論文
- 示I-355 膵扁平上皮癌の一例
- 302 転移性肝腫瘍との鑑別が困難であった混合型肝癌の1切除例
- 363 肝細胞癌に対する CDDP, 5-FU 少量持続動注療法の検討(第46回日本消化器外科学会)
- Aortic Valve Replacement after Esophagectomy with Substernal Gastric Tube Reconstruction
- Infection management in a patient with a left ventricular assist device : a case report of long-term cefazolin sodium hydrate administration
- Dysfunction of an ATS valve in the aortic position : the first reported case caused by pannus formation
- 当科における expandable metallic stent 留置80例における合併症の検討
- P-534 潰瘍性大腸炎に対する腹腔鏡手術の役割
- 示II-233 下部直腸癌における直腸鏡を応用した括約筋温存術の工夫
- VS1-5 下部直腸癌におけるJ型結腸嚢再建術の排便機能評価
- 5 Hybrid Therapy (Stentgraft and Conventional Open Surgery) for Extended Aortic Aneurysm(Symposium 4 (SY-04) (H) Recent Progress in the Treatment of Aortic Diseases,Special Program,The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with pulmonary aspergillosis
- Transcatheter coil embolization for patent ductus arteriosus in the elderly : Report of a case and review of the published work
- Embolic Myocardial Infarction and Left Ventricular Rupture Due to Mitral Valve Endocarditis
- Effects of Calcium Channel Blocker Azelnidipine on Experimental Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
- Initial and Midterm Results for Repair of Aortic Diseases With Handmade Stent Grafts(Clinical Investigation)
- Acquired Arteriovenous Fistula of the Right Forearm Caused by Repeated Blunt Trauma : a Report of a Rare Case
- Infective Endocarditis during Pregnancy : Report of a Case
- Clinical Outcome of Perioperative Nonpermanent Vena Cava Filter Placement in Patients with Deep Venous Thrombosis or Blood Stasis of the Vein
- A Shorter Skin Incision Technique for the Repair of Infrarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms