中華人民共和国 | 論文
- 1-ブロモプロパンの神経毒性 : 動物実験とヒト事例による研究
- P518 抗血栓剤投与による血管血栓性閉塞病変の血管形成術後の急性再閉塞の予防
- 地域の介護予防対策における健康ニーズアセスメントの研究
- 歯科用金属材料の凝固区間における組織に関する研究
- 座談会 人工股関節置換術 術前・術後の病棟管理(3)
- 座談会 人工股関節置換術 術前・術後の病棟管理(2)
- 人工股関節置換術 術前・術後の病棟管理(1)
- Neuroprotective Effects of (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate on Aging Mice Induced by D-Galactose(Pharmacology)
- RA患者の手の外科領域における超音波診断
- 脳性麻痺患者における肘・手関節のX線による検討
- Overexpressed α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor inhibited proinflammatory cytokine release in NIH3T3 cells(GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, AND GENE ENGINEERING)
- In Vitro and In Vivo Tumor Suppressive Activity Induced by Human Telomerase Transcriptase-Targeting Antisense Oligonucleotides Mediated by Cationic Liposomes(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- Cell-Penetrating Peptides as Adenovirus Vector Carrier
- Creation of Novel Cell-Penetrating Peptides for Intracellular Drug Delivery Using Systematic Phage Display Technology Originated from Tat Transduction Domain(Biochemistry)
- Non-Methylated CpG Motif Packaged into Fusogenic Liposomes Enhance Antigen-Specific Immunity in Mice(Highlighted paper selected by Editor-in-chief,Pharmacology)
- Vaccine Efficacy of Fusogenic Liposomes Containing Tumor Cell-Lysate against Murine B16BL6 Melanoma(Pharmacology)
- Anti-tumor Responses Induced by Chemokine CCL19 Transfected into an Ovarian Carcinoma Model via Fiber-Mutant Adenovirus Vector(Biopharmacy)
- Fusogenic Liposome can be Used as an Effective Vaccine Carrier for Peptide Vaccination to Induce Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte (CTL) Response(Biopharmacy)
- PD-5-4 膵石治療における膵管ステント留置の有用性について(パネルディスカッション5 慢性膵炎治療の長期成績-保存的治療vs外科的治療-,第64回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- 膵炎再発予防に対する膵管ステント留置術の有用性