中京大学教養部 | 論文
- Some Observations on Modern Icelandic Word Stress
- Systematic Exceptions to West Germanic Gemination : A New Account
- Critical Remarks on Cairns and Feinstein's Theory of the Syllable
- A New Interpretation of the Development of Pre-OE *eaC_o {i j} in nWS
- Zur Erklarung des nordhumbrischen speoft-
- Arguments for a Metrical (s/w) Model of Reduplication
- A New Look at Phonetic Values of Old English Vocalic Digraphs
- Noch einmal altnordischer i-Umlaut
- A Prosodic Approach to Germanic Reduplicating Verbs : a Synchronic and Diachronic Investigation
- Metrical Representation of Old English Vowels
- Describing the Mechanism of Old English i-Umlaut
- Notes on a Historical Germanic Grammar I : Nonarguments for the Organic Development of the Old Icelandic i-stem Genitive Singular Ending-ar
- Old Norse i-Umlaut Reconsidered : Part II
- Old Norse i-Umlaut Reconsidered : Part I
- Another Look at Lachmann's Law
- Old English Strong Verb Stem-Formation
- タンザニアのルクワ地区南西部で新しく発見されたチンパンジーの生息地
- C. ガーネット訳『罪と罰』管見 : センナヤ広場, 水晶宮, 豌豆王
- ニホンザルの遺伝的地域変異 (第43回プリマーテス研究会シンポジウム「ニホンザルを見渡す」)
- ニホンザル嵐山F群における養子取りによる双子と母親の社会交渉