ルンド大学固体物理学科 | 論文
- Gated Tunneling Structures with Buried Tungsten Grating Adjacent to Semiconductor Heterostructures
- Novel Approach for Lateral Current Confinement in Vertical Resonant Tunneling Devices
- Gated Resonant Tunneling Structures with Buried Tungsten Grating Adjacent to Semiconductor Heterostructures
- Proposal for a Solid State Biprism Device
- GaAs Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxial Overgrowth over mm-Sized Tungsten Wires
- Nano-Optical Studies of Individual Nanostructures
- 3重障壁共鳴トンネルダイオードを用いたGaAsP/GaAs伝導帯バンド不連続量の評価
- 半導体ヘテロ接合に隣接した埋め込み微細金属による共鳴トンネル電流の制御
- Spectroscopy, Imaging and Switching Behaviour of Individual InP/GaInP Quantum Dots ( Quantum Dot Structures)
- Luminescence from InP/GaInP Quantum Dots Excited by Micro-Photoluminescence or by Local Injection with Scanning-Tunneling Microscope