(独)日本原子力研究開発機構人形峠環境技術センター | 論文
- 屋内ラドンリスクに関する疫学研究とその評価(第2部 : 和文)
- プログラム概要
- ラドン吸入試作装置によるマウス諸臓器中の抗酸化機能の亢進に関する研究
- Traceability on Radon Measurements at the JAEA Ningyo-toge(Part 3 : English)
- Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Inhaled Radon to Calculate Absorbed Doses in Mice, Rats, and Humans
- Primary Functions of the First Japanese Large-Scale Facility for Exposing Small Animals to Radon
- Study of the Response of Superoxide Dismutase in Mouse Organs to Radon Using a New Large-scale Facility for Exposing Small Animals to Radon
- Inhibitory Effects of Pre and Post Radon Inhalation on Carbon Tetrachloride-induced Oxidative Damage in Mouse Organs