中条 武司 | Osaka Museum of Natural History
Osaka Museum of Natural History | 論文
- Distribution of the alien species Hydroides dianthus (Verrill, 1873) (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) in Osaka Bay, Japan, with comments on the factors limiting its invasion
- Distribution of the alien species Hydroides dianthus (Verrill, 1873) (Polychaeta : Serpulidae) in Osaka Bay, Japan, with comments on the factors limiting its invasion
- Distribution of Intertidal Macrobenthos in 1993 around Hatakejima Island, Central Japan, Compared with 1969 and 1983-84
- 古琵琶湖層群甲賀累層から産出したネクイハムシ亜科(甲虫目ハムシ科)の化石
- 735. 白亜紀異常巻きアンモナイト Pravitoceras sigmoidale YABE について