Cao Yonggang | Pukyong Nat'l Univ.
Pukyong Nat'l Univ. | 論文
- F-1 Design of High Frequency Ultrasonic Probes with Separation between a Transmitter and a Receiver(Measurement techniques, Imaging, Nondestructive testing)
- P3-43 超音波カッタによるガラスの切断特性の実験的検討(ポスターセッション3(概要講演))
- P3-H-25 Improvement of Calculation for Radiation Impedance of the Vibrators with Cylindrical Baffle
- P2-C-8 Control of Acoustic Fields Using Acoustic Convex Lens
- P2-23 Beam Width Controllable Ultrasonic Transducer Array