平賀 洋明 | 札幌鉄道病院呼吸器内科及び協力施設
論文 | ランダム
- 298. Relationships of Electrolyte Balance and Mineralocorticoids in the Fetus and Neonates
- 221. A Functional and Morphological Evaluation of Trophoblasts in the Human Placental Basal Plate
- 204. The Evaluation of Dynamic Fetoplacental Function by DHAS and 16αOH-DHAS Loading Tests
- 102. Study of Oxytocin, Estradiol and Progesterone Receptors: their Gestational Change and Distribution in Myometrium
- 殺人既遂罪に対する量刑の総括〔本誌141('68.8)掲載「殺人罪に対する量刑の実証的研究」に続く〕