北折 生人 | アロン化成(株)管材事業部開発グループ
論文 | ランダム
- The skewed heavy-chain repertoire in peritoneal B-1 cells is predetermined by the selection via pre-B cell receptor during B cell ontogeny in the fetal liver
- Selection of stereotyped V_H81X-μH chains via pre-B cell receptor early in ontogeny and their conservation in adults by marginal zone B cells
- Modification of the Wake behind a Circular Cylinder by Using Synthetic Jets
- Studies on Fossombronia in Australia-2-Fourteen more new species
- ヨーロッパ諸国における科学的管理の展開 : 1910-20年代における大陸ヨーロッパ諸国の状況を中心にして(平尾武久教授追悼号)