青野 準 | 岡山中央病院循環器センター循環器内科
論文 | ランダム
- Differential expression of the carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecules panCD66, CD66a, CD66c and of sialyl-Lewis x (CD15s) on blast cells of acute leukemias
- VOXEL-MAN TempoSurg A Virtual Reality Temporal Bone Surgery Simulator
- Transient Expression of Green Fluorescent Protein in Rice Calluses : Optimization of Parameters for Helios Gene Gun Device(Crop Physiology & Ecology)
- 37 稲カルスにおけるGFPの一過性発現 : Helios gene gunの最適化
- Foxp3-dependent and -independent molecules specific for CD25^+CD4^+ natural regulatory T cells revealed by DNA microarray analysis