FURUYA Naruto | Faculty of Agriculture, Graduate School, Kyushu University
Faculty of Agriculture, Graduate School, Kyushu University | 論文
- Three-dimensional reconstruction of intramuscular collagen networks of bovine muscle : A demonstration by an immunohistochemical/confocal laser-scanning microscopic method
- Comparison of collagen content, distribution and architecture among the pectoralis, iliotibialis lateralis and puboischiofemoralis muscles with different myofiber composition in Silky cocks
- Effects of nutritional level and carcase weight on the different anatomical body parts and muscle weights of male broilers
- Comparative observation on the growth changes of the histochemical properties and collagen architecture of the Musculus puboischiofemoralis pars medialis from Silky, layer-type and meat-type cockerels
- Comparative observations on the growth changes of the histochemical property and collagen architecture of the Musculus pectoralis from Silky, layer-type and meat-type cockerels