Hill Glen | Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine | 論文
- コンバイン装着型試料収集装置を基幹とした品質把握
- 十勝岳1988〜1989年の爆発的噴火,その推移と様式 : 特集: 十勝岳1988〜1989年噴火
- 1988〜1989年十勝岳噴火の火山灰層位学的研究 : 特集: 十勝岳1988〜1989年噴火
- Structural Elucidation of 4-(Cystein-S-yl)butyl Glucosinolate from the Leaves of Eruca sativa
- Effect of Natural Light Periods on Rutin, Free Amino Acid and Vitamin C Contents in the Sprouts of Common (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) and Tartary (F. tataricum Gaertn.) Buckwheats