Xu Sugang | Global information and Teleco mmunication Institute Was eda University
Xu Sugang
Global information and Teleco mmunication Institute Was eda University
Tanaka Yoshiaki
Global information and Teleco mmunication Institute Was eda University:Research Institute for Science and Engineeing Was eda University
Tanaka Yoshiaki
Global Information And Telecommunication Institute Waseda University
Xu Sugang
Global Information And Telecommunication Institute Waseda University
TANAKA Yoshiaki
Global Information and Telecommunication Institute, Waseda University
Yamori Kyoko
Department Of Business Administration Asahi University
Yamori Kyoko
Department of Business Administration, Asahi University
Yamori Kyoko
Department Of Business Administration Asahi University:global Information And Telecommunication Inst
Gu Bo
Global Information And Telecommunication Institute Waseda University
Tanaka Yoshiaki
Global Information And Telecommunication Institute Waseda University:research Institute For Science
- A Two-Stage Simulated Annealing Logical Topology Reconfiguration in IP over WDM Networks(Internet)
- B-6-160 A Logical Topology Reconfiguration with Simulated Annealing in IP over WDM Networks
- SB-10-8 A Fast Neighbour Discovery Simulated Annealing for Logical Topology Design in IP/WDM Networks
- B-6-36 Logical Topology Reconfiguration Trade-off in IP/WDM Optical Networks
- B-6-172 A Wavelength Assignment with Fairness Consideration in Optical Packet Switching Ring Networks
- Dutch Auction for Network Congestion Control
- BS-6-1 QoS Management and Load Balancing in Wireless LANs(BS-6. Planning, Control and Management on Networks and Services)
- QoS provisioning and load distribution in federated wireless LANs (情報ネットワーク)
- BS-6-45 Congestion-Based Pricing in Differentiated Service Network(BS-6. Planning, Control and Management on Networks and Services)
- BS-3-8 Forward Contract to Solve Demand and Revenue Uncertainty Problem in Network Congestion Management(BS-3. Management and Control Technologies for Innovative Networks)