Tanaka Mitsuru | WHO Collaborating Center, Tokyo Medical College
論文 | ランダム
- 928 六面体自動生成のためのスパイン構造(OS18.次世代CAD/CAM/CAE/CG/CSCW/CAT/C-Control (2),ポスターセッションP-2,オーガナイズドセッション)
- Establishing monthly rainfall synthetic series by using artificial neural networks for the East Central Region of Madagascar
- Electromagnetic interaction(theory) (第15回高エネルギー物理学国際会議報告)
- Initiation of Dynamic Recrystallization in Constant Strain Rate Hot Deformation
- Vocational Adaptation of Deaf Workers : A Survey on the Secondary Graduates of the Philippine School for the Deaf