KOBAYASHI TORU | Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University
Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University | 論文
- Phylogenetic Relationships and Intraspecific Variations of Loaches of the Genus Lefua (Balitoridae, Cypriniformes)(Animal Diversity and Evolution)
- Phylogeography of Loaches of the Genus Lefua(Balitoridae, Cypriniformes) Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA Sequences(Animal Diversity and Evolution)
- Phylogeography and the maternal origin of the tetraploid form of the Japanese spined loach, Cobitis biwae, revealed by mitochondrial DNA analysis
- Genetic Relationships of Japanese and Korean Bagrid Catfishes Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA Analysis(Animal Diversity and Evolution)
- Genetic Differentiation of Piscivorous Chub (genus Opsariichthys) in Japan, Korea and Russia(Phylogeny)