飯田 元男 | 東北大學醫學部藥理學教室
東北大學醫學部藥理學教室 | 論文
- 淋巴心臓の薬理(3)-蟾蜍後部淋心搏動に及ぼす中枢神経系統の影響に就いて
- 淋巴心臟の薬理〔第1報〕-淋巴心臟に対する2〜3自律神経毒の作用-
- Effects of central stimulants and depressants on calcium content of various parts of central nervous system
- Toxicological and pharmacological studies on coelomic fluid and body constituents of round-worms:(1). Symptoms of poisoning by these substances and their action on the mucous membrane of the eye
- Toxicological and pharmacological studies on coelomic fluid and body constituents of round-worms:(2). Their action against the circulatory system and some smooth muscle organs