TOKUI TATSUJI | Department of Neuropsychiatry, School of Medicine, Keio University
Department of Neuropsychiatry, School of Medicine, Keio University | 論文
- Time course of cerebral blood flow changes following electroconvulsive therapy in depressive patients - measured at 3 time points using single photon emission computed tomography
- Intraperitoneal Immunization Led to T Cell Hyporesponsiveness to Helicobacter pylori Infection in Mice
- Concentration of Gold(I) Thiosulfate Complex Ions on the Surface of Alumina Gel and their Change in Chemical State : Preliminary Experiment in the Elucidation of the Formation Mechanism of Epithermal Gold Deposits
- Cooling and inferred exhumation history of the Ryoke metamorphic belt in the Yanai district, south-west Japan : Constraints from Rb-Sr and fission-track ages of gneissose granitoid and numerical modeling
- Continuity in Phase Transition Behavior between Normal and Diffuse Phase Transitions in Complex Perovskite Compounds