杉森 久一 | 国立札幌病院耳鼻咽喉科医長
論文 | ランダム
- リンゴ園の下草上に設置した人工素材によるカブリダニ越冬個体群保護の試み(一般講演,第16回日本ダニ学会大会講演要旨)
- Identification of Novel Derivative of Helvolic Acid from Metarhizium anisopliae Grown in Medium with Insect Component(BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)
- Antiulcerative properties of crude polyphenols and juice of apple, and Chinese quince extracts
- Total Phenolic Content, Antioxidative, Anti-amylase, Anti-glucosidase, and Antihistamine Release Activities of Bangladeshi Fruits
- Analysis of Intermolecular Interaction among Pectin Molecules in Aqueous Sugar Solutions