SHIBUYA Hidetoshi | Department of Earth Science, CIAS, The University of Osaka Prefecture
論文 | ランダム
- バンドルおよび単一ファイバの応用 (光ファイバのシステム計測・制御への応用特集号)
- Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. VI. Steroid Saponins and Flavonoids of Leaves of Phoenix canariensis hort. ex CHABAUD, P. humilis ROYLE var. hanceana BECC., P. dactylifera L., and Licuala spinosa WURMB.
- Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. V. Steroid Sapnins and Flavonoids of Leaves of Phoenix rupicola T. ANDERSON, P. loureirii KUNTH, P. reclinate N. J. JACQUIN, and Arecastrum remanzoffianum BECCARI
- Studies on the Constituents of Palmae Plants. IV. : The Constituents of the Leaves of Sabal causiarum BECC.
- 戦後の学風を支えたもの--飢えとアメリカ (占領期の思想の記録-1-焼跡の中の自由)