瀬崎 晃一郎 | Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Kitasato University School of Medicine
鳥飼 勝行
Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Fureai Yokohama Hospital
池本 繁弘
Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Kitasato University School of Medicine
瀬崎 晃一郎
Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Kitasato University School of Medicine
鈴木 恵子
Kitasato University School of Allied Health Sciences
岡部 早苗
Department of Otolaryngology, Kitasato University Hospital
弓削 明子
Department of Rehabilitation, St. Joseph Medical and Welfare Center
山崎 安晴
Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Kitasato University School of Medicine