Yanai Keizo | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University
論文 | ランダム
- The Entomologist, Vol.107 No.1, July 1988, A Journal of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 国外購読料£18.50
- British Red Data Books : 2. Insects, Edited by D. B. SHIRT, xliv+402 pp., 18 figs. Nature Conservancy Council, 1987, £11.00
- 新しい雑誌 "antenna" の発刊
- 岡崎常太郎氏 (1880-1977) をしのんで
- Marine Insects, By Lanna CHENG (Ed.), North Holland Publishing Co., Ltd., Amsterdam and Oxford; American Elsevier Publishing Co., Ltd., N. Y. pp. 581, 1976