KIM Seungryol | Master's program in Health and physical Education University of Tsukuba. Doctral program in Health and physical Education University of Tsukuba. Lab.of Exercise Physiological, Institute of Health and sports Sciences, University of Tsukuba.
- 同名の論文著者
- Master's program in Health and physical Education University of Tsukuba. Doctral program in Health and physical Education University of Tsukuba. Lab.of Exercise Physiological, Institute of Health and sports Sciences, University of Tsukuba.の論文著者
論文 | ランダム
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- スクープ 危険な勢力が政権中枢へ 菅政権 驚愕!「日本解体計画」の内幕--労組出身議員&社民党系人脈が進める「売国奴政治」を早く止めさせよう
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- 三池労組の闘いと組織作りに学ぶ (特集 三池闘争五〇周年)
- コミュニティ・ユニオンと組織化--札幌地域労組の先駆的な歩み