ÅNGSTROM Jonas | Department of Medical Biochemistry, Goteborg University
Department of Medical Biochemistry, Goteborg University | 論文
- 大腸がん細胞が発現し分泌している、シアリルルイスaを有するMUC1およびCD43ムチン型糖タンパク質 : 腫瘍の進行における役割は?
- Glycosphingolipid Binding Specificities of Neisseria meningitides and Haemophilus influenzae: Detection,Isolation,and Characterization of a Binding-Active Glycosphingolipid from Human Oropharyngeal Epithelium
- Glycosphingolipid Binding Specificities of Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus influenzae: Detection, Isolation, and Characterization of a Binding-Active Glycosphingolipid from Human Oropharyngeal Epithelium.
- Identification of Chloroplast Signal Recognition Particle RNA Genes