ASAOKA Yoshinari | Department of Gastroenterology, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo
Department of Gastroenterology, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo | 論文
- The committee for revision of the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- Analysis of factors influencing hepatocellular carcinoma detection : efficient use of computed tomography during arterial portography and during hepatic arteriography
- Congenital absence of portal vein with multiple hyperplastic nodular lesions in the liver
- Hepatocellular carcinoma depicted as hypoattenuation on CT hepatic arteriography (CTA) and hyperattenuation on CT during arterial portography (CTAP)
- Thrombocytopenia is more severe in patients with advanced chronic hepatitis C than B with the same grade of liver stiffness and splenomegaly