Suzuki Kazuo | Toxicological Research Laboratories Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Toxicological Research Laboratories Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co., Ltd. | 論文
- 137 Poly-L-arginine誘発ラット皮膚血管透過性亢進および掻き行動に対する塩酸オロパタジンの抑制作用
- Investigation of nephrotoxicity induced by Cisplatin in common marmosets.
- Effects of anticancer drugs (MMC and ACNU) on hematology and blood biochemistry of common marmosets.
- Effects of olopatadine hydrochloride on the release of thromboxane B_2 and histamine from nasal mucosa after antigen-antibody reaction in guinea pigs
- Effects of Olopatadine Hydrochloride on the Cutaneous Vascular Hyperpermeability and the Scratching Behavior Induced by Poly-_L-Arginine in Rats