Okuda Noriki | Department of Physics, Chuo University
Department of Physics, Chuo University | 論文
- 余剰次元空間の幾何学を起源とする高次元ゲージ理論におけるCPの破れ(場の理論と弦理論,基礎物理学研究所2009年度前期研究会,研究会報告)
- R-mediation of Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking (ニュートリノ振動はGUTに何を要求するか)
- Two Loop Finiteness of Higgs Mass and Potential in the Gauge-Higgs Unification(Particles and Fields)
- Reconstruction and Extension of the Family-Vicsek Scaling Hypothesis for Growing Rough Interfaces(General)
- Multi-Affinity for Growing Rough Interfaces of Bacterial Colonies(Oscillation, Chaos and Network Dynamics in Nonlinear Science)