NAKAMURA Sawako | Department of Anatomy and Morphological Neuroscience, Shimane University School of Medicine
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- 同名の論文著者
- Department of Anatomy and Morphological Neuroscience, Shimane University School of Medicineの論文著者
Department of Anatomy and Morphological Neuroscience, Shimane University School of Medicine | 論文
- A disynaptic pathway from the central amygdaloid nucleus to the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus via the parastrial nucleus in the rat
- Sleep disturbances and depression in the elderly in Japan
- 女性医師復帰支援プログラム(7・最終回)女性研究者・女性医師支援を軸とした島根大学における全学的な男女共同参画への取組み
- Glutamatergic neurons in the Kolliker-Fuse nucleus project to the rostral ventral respiratory group and phrenic nucleus : A combined retrograde tracing and in situ hybridization study in the rat
- A light and electron microscopic analysis of the convergent insular cortical and amygdaloid projections to the posterior lateral hypothalamus in the rat, with special reference to cardiovascular function