Caneau Catherine | Corning Incorporated, SP-PR-02-3, Corning, NY 14831, U. S. A.
Koyama Fumio
Microsystem Research Center P&i Lab. Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Onishi Yutaka
Microsystem Research Center P&i Lab. Tokyo Institute Of Technology
CANEAU Catherine
Corning Incorporated
Zah Chung-en
Corning Inc. One Science Center Dr. Corning
Corning Incorporated
Zah Chung-En
Corning Incorporated, SP-PR-02-3, Corning, NY 14831, U. S. A.
Nishiyama Nobuhiko
Corning Incorporated, SP-PR-02-3, Corning, NY 14831, U. S. A.
Onishi Yutaka
Microsystem Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan
Caneau Catherine
Corning Incorporated, SP-PR-02-3, Corning, NY 14831, U. S. A.