SUTOU Shizuyo | Central Research Institute, Itoham Foods Inc.
Central Research Institute, Itoham Foods Inc. | 論文
- 鶏の体脂肪蓄積に及ぼす分離大豆タンパク質及びカゼインの影響
- 鶏におけるグルカゴン様ペプチド-1の脳内投与による接食抑制効果に及ぼす食餌性タンパク質の影響
- 鶏の血漿及び肝臓トリグリセリド量に及ぼす脱脂牛肉並びにその画分給与の影響
- Development and Reporter Gene Expression in Transgenic Mouse Embryos After Positive Selection in Culture
- Differences in Early Cleavage Rates of In Vitro Produced Bovine Embryos Classified According to the Completion of Their First Cleavage