Fleck W.F. | Hans-Knoll-Institute of Natural Products Research
Hans-Knoll-Institute of Natural Products Research | 論文
- Isolation and Strucural Elucidation of New Peptaibols, Bergofungins B, C and D, from Emericellopsis donezkii HKI 0059
- Lipohexin, a New Inhibitor of Prolyl Endopeptidase from Moeszia lindtneri (HKI-0054) and Paecilomyces sp. (HKI-0055; HKI-0096) I. Screening, Isolation and Structure Elucidation
- Chrysospermins, New Peptaibol Antibiotics from Apiocrea chrysosperma Ap101
- Ampullosporin, a New Peptaibol-type Antibiotic from Sepedonium ampullosporum HKI-0053 with Neuroleptic Activity in Mice
- Demethyl Mutactimycins, New Anthracyline Antibiotics from Nocardia and Streptomyces Strains