Hiroaki Kase | Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Niigata UniversitySchool of Medicine
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Niigata UniversitySchool of Medicine | 論文
- Studies on the Association Between the Auticardiolipiin Antibody andPreeclampsia
- A Case of HELLP Syndrome Positive for Aniticardiolipin Antibody
- HLA Class I Antigens in Patients with Reproductive Autoimmune FailureSyndrome (RAFS)
- A Successful Planned Pregnancy in a Patient with AntiphospholipidSyndrome Positive for Anti-CL-Beta2 GP I Antibody
- MLR Reactivity against Spouse's Lymphocytes: Successful Cases withUnexplained Recurrent Abortion Treated by Immunotherapy with Spouse'sCells