Ihara Tatsuya | Department of Internal Medicine, Ibaraki Central Hospital
論文 | ランダム
- TEM Studies on Structural Changes of Ba2Y1Cu3Ox Thin Foils at Elevated Temperature (Special Section--High-Tc Superconductor)
- 変形性膝関節症のX線学的検討--骨硬化,骨萎縮の経時的変化を中心として (第57回中部日本整形外科災害外科学会) -- (膝関節)
- Fortimicins A and B,new aminoglycoside antibiotics-1-Producing organism,fermentation and biological properties of fortimicins
- Possibly Electronically-Mediated Synaptic Transmission--Time-Intensity Trades in Neurons in the Superior Olivary Complex of Cat
- アル・キンディ-の音楽論