Asada Junko | Department of Cardiology, Utano National Hospital
Department of Cardiology, Utano National Hospital | 論文
- PE-120 Reduced Systolic Strain at Left Ventricular Posterior Wall in Patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy(Echo/Doppler 5 (I) : PE21)(Poster Session (English))
- Effect of β Blocker in Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patients(Cardiomyopathy, Clinical 4 (M), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-681 Assessment of Left Ventricular Torsion and Diastolic Untwisting in Hypertensive Patients(Echo / Doppler(17)(I),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-476 Relations of Left Ventricular Geometric Patterns to Left Ventricular Torsion in Patients with Systemic Hypertension(Echo/Doppler-19, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-170 Usefulness of Two-Dimensional Strain to Evaluate the Extent of Left Ventricular Regional Dysfunction in Patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy(Echo/Doppler-13 (I) PJ29,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of t