深堀 能立 | 獨協医科大学 泌尿器科学
獨協医科大学 泌尿器科学 | 論文
- Adenocarcinoma with Extensive Neuroendocrine Differentiation Arising in an Ileal Diverticulum : Report of a Case
- Surgical treatment of urethral distraction defect associated with pelvic fracture : A nationwide survey in Japan
- Variety of congenital urethral lesions in boys with lower urinary tract symptoms and the results of endoscopic treatment
- A pilot study evaluating a new questionnaire for prostatic symptom scoring, the SPSS, and its sensitivity as constructed to objective measures of outflow obstruction
- Renal Arteriovenous Malformation Showing Peripelvic Extravasation and Elevated Urine Catecholamine