TANAKA Toshikatsu | Department of Energy Conversion Eng., Kyushu University
Tanaka Toshikatsu
Department of Pediatric Cardiology and Nephrology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Graduate
Tanaka Toshikatsu
Department Of Energy Conversion Engineering Kyushu University
TANAKA Toshikatsu
Department of Energy Conversion Eng., Kyushu University
富田 英
Cardiovascular Center Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital
Yamagishi Masaaki
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
TOMITA Hideshi
Department of Pediatrics, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine
Imaizumi T
Department Of Energy Conversion Engineering Kyushu University
Imaizumi Takahiro
Department Of Applied Physics Tohoku University
Echigo Shigeyuki
Department of Pediatrics, National Cardiovascular Center
MURAOKA Katsunori
Department of Energy Conversion, Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University
- OE-157 Simulative Operation of Complicated Congenital Heart Disease by Using Rubber-like Urethane Stereolithographic Biomodels Based on Multi-slice CT Volumetric Data(CT/DSA-1 (I) OE27,Oral Presentation (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Mee
- Stereolithographic Biomodeling of Congenital Heart Disease by Using Multi-slice CT Images : Practical Simulation for Cardiac Surgery and Catheter Intervention(Recent Advance in Cardiovascular Imaging Technique (X-ray/CT/MRI/DSA) (I), The 69th Annual Scien
- A case of aorto-right atrial tunnel associated with aortic and tricuspid atresia
- Transcatheter Occlusion of Patent Ductus Arteriosus Using a 0.052-Inch Coil : Immediate Results
- Effect of Intensity Perturbation in CO_2 Laser Beams on Plasma Formation
- 2-D Plasma Beads Analysis for Realizing Elongation of Induced Discharge