INOMATA YUKIHIRO | Department of Pediatric Surgery, Kumamoto University Hospital
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Kumamoto University Hospital | 論文
- P-86 Drainage of subcutaneous lymphatic fluid for the management of respiratory distress in a case of generalized lymphangiectasia in an infant
- Giant Cell Carcinoma of the Pancreas : A Case Report and Review of the Literature
- Platelet-Activating Factor Antagonist (TCV-309) Attenuates the Priming Effects of Bronchoalveolar Macrophages in Cerulein-Induced Pancreatitis Rats
- P-003 Cervico-mediastinal thymic cyst determined by prenatal diagnosis : a case report(Poster Presentation International Session 1,Better Life for Sick Children, Better Future for Pediatric Surgery,the 45th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Pediatric
- Malposition of a Totally Implantable Venous Access Catheter in the Azygous Vein : Report of a Case