Kurisaki Ikuo | Grad. Sch. Info. Sci., Univ. Nagoya:CREST, JST
論文 | ランダム
- 解説・初期対応の実際 (特集 疾病初期対応の基礎--いざという時のために)
- 資料 最近の耐性菌問題と動物用抗菌剤
- 中国学最前線-13-近現代文学
- 4-Hydroxyaminoquinoline 1-0xide Metabolism and DNA Adducts in the Early Stage of Tumorigenesis in Rats : Comparison of Target Organ Pancreas with Non-Target Organ Liver.
- Mutagenic Activation of Selected Aminoazo Compounds by Rat Liver: Evidence for a Cytochrome P-448 Dependent Reaction