Onuki Akira | Dept. of Physics, Kyoto Univ.
Dept. of Physics, Kyoto Univ. | 論文
- The hierarchical structure of chromatin : Nucleosomal array reconstitution with ring and linear DNA(Knots and soft-matter physics: Topology of polymers and related topics in physics, mathematics and biology)
- 24. 環状DNA鎖における"曲げ"と"ねじれ"の効果(ポスターセッション,ソフトマターの物理学2004-変形と流動-,研究会報告)
- Controlling Topological Defect in Nematic Liquid Crystal with Focuesed Laser(Poster session 2, New Frontiers in Colloidal Physics : A Bridge between Micro- and Macroscopic Concepts in Soft Matter)
- 1P-258 リン脂質膜で囲まれたマイクロメートルスケールの空間に閉じ込められた長鎖DNA分子の高次構造変化(バイオイメージング,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 21. Vivid pulsations of an oil droplet induced by laser(poster presentation,Soft Matter as Structured Materials)