Agarwal Gaurav | Dept Endocrine surgery and Endocrinology, Sanjay Gandhi PGIMS, Lucknow
Dept Endocrine surgery and Endocrinology, Sanjay Gandhi PGIMS, Lucknow | 論文
- TG-4-5 High prevalence of severe bone disease and hypovitaminosis D in young age onset primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) in India(Breast, Endocrine,Travel Grant)
- Hypomagnesimia after total thyroidectomy : Prospective study
- SF-047-3 Hyperthyroidism coexisting with thyroid cancer-Another justification for total thyroidectomy in apparently benign toxic goiters
- SF-047-4 Clinico-pathological profile, airway management and outcome in huge multinodular goitres (>300 gms) : An institutional experience from an endemic region
- SF-048-4 Indian Pheochromocytoma (PCC) patients differ with patients from rest of the world in Clinicopathologic attributes, but have similar outcomes of surgery