KUNITOMO Hiroshi | Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo : Department of Physics, Osaka University
- 同名の論文著者
- Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo : Department of Physics, Osaka Universityの論文著者
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo : Department of Physics, Osaka University
Kunitomo Hiroshi
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Kugo T
Kyoto Univ.
KUGO Taichiro
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
九後 汰一郎
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
ITOH Katsumi
Department of Education, Niigata University
Kugo Taichiro
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Kunitomo H
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
伊藤 克美
Itoh Katsumi
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
- Covariant String Field Theory on Z_2-Orbifold : Particles and Fields
- Topological Half-Flat Gravity
- A Hierarchy of Super w Strings : Particles and Fields
- Topological SL(3, R) Gravity and the Quantum W_3 Symmetry : Particles and Fields
- BRS Invariant Vertex of Neveu-Schwarz-Ramond Superstring
- Gauge String Field Theory for Torus Compactified Closed String : Particles and Fields
- Supersymmetric Non-Linear Lagrangians of Kahlerian Coset Spaces G/H:G=E_6,E_7 and E_8 : Particles and Fields
- Gauge Invariant Local Action of String Field from BRS Formalism : Particles and Fields
- Hybrid Superstrings in NS-NS Plane Waves(Particles and Fields)
- Hybrid Superstring on AdS_3 and Space-Time Superconformal Symmetry(Particles and Fields)