AGRAWAL Uma | Department of Zoology, University of Allahabad
Department of Zoology, University of Allahabad | 論文
- Chromosomal Response to Chemical Stress in Flesh Fly Sarcophaga ruficornis (Fab.) (Sarcophagidae : Diptera)
- Spontaneous triploidy in the blow-fly Aldrichina grahami (Aldrich) (Calliphoridae: Diptera)
- インドのツヤホソバエ類および1新種の記載 (双翅目)
- Intercalary Heterochromatin in the Pupal Foot Pad Polytene Chromosomes of Flesh Fly Parasarcophaga ruficornis Fab. (Sarcophagidae : Diptera)
- Cytogenetics of Flesh Flies of the Genus Boettcherisca (Sarcophagidae : Diptera)