Bucheeri Ahmed | Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University | 論文
- Phylogeny and taxonomy of the Asian grapevine leaf rust fungus, Phakopsora euvitis, and its allies (Uredinales)
- Phylogenetic relationships among Puccinia hemerocallidis, P. funkiae, and P. patriniae (Uredinales) inferred from ITS sequence data
- Lap Fillet Laser Welding of AZ31B Thin Sheet Magnesium Alloy using Silver Nanoparticles
- 211 Nd: YAG laser lap fillet welding of thin sheet AZ31 magnesium alloy using silver NanoPaste^[○!R]
- Nature of Greenstones in the Mesozoic Yamizo Super Group, Keisoku Massif in the Yamizo Mountains, eastern Japan