ISHIDA Akira | Department of Pediatrics, Akita University School of Medicine
Department of Pediatrics, Akita University School of Medicine | 論文
- 109 Johanson-Blizzard syndrome:Deficiency of glucagon secretion responding to insulin-induced hypoglycemia
- 49 THE CROSS-SECTIONAL BMI GROWTH CURVES FOR JAPANESE FROM BIRTH TO 17 YEARS OF AGE : THE 2000-2001 NATIONAL SURVEY DATA : the comparison with the 1990-1994 data and the 1978-1981 data
- 167 A case of maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 14 with precocious puberty
- Review of Alexander disease : Beyond the classical concept of leukodystrophy
- Abnormal white matter lesions with sensorineural hearing loss caused by congenital cytomegalovirus infection : retrospective diagnosis by PCR using Guthrie cards