Lin Hung-Mao | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Far East University
論文 | ランダム
- 十和田火山,御倉山溶岩ドームの形成時期と噴火推移
- 竹繊維を用いた高機能紙の開発
- アルカリ水熱処理による石炭飛灰からのNaP1型ゼオライトの合成とその環境浄化材料としての応用
- Organic carbon accumulation in Andosols: (3) Occurrence of apatite and biotite in young and matured volcanic ash soils, and discussions on nutrient supply for ecosystems (Biological Interactions in Arable Land-Grassland-Forest Continuums and their Impact
- Organic Carbon Accumulation in Andosols: (3) Occurrence of Apatite and Biotite in Young and Matured Volcanic Ash Aoils, and Discussions on Nutrient Supply for Ecosystems