HADI Tri | Radio Science Center for Space and Atmosphere, Kyoto University
Radio Science Center for Space and Atmosphere, Kyoto University | 論文
- Propagation Characteristics of ELF / VLF Electromagnetic Waves in the Martian Ionosphere and the Possibility for Detection of Martian Atmospherics by NOZOMI Observations
- On a Possibility to Decrease Magnetic Intensity in Microwave/DC Cyclotron Wave Converter(Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves)
- A New Microwave Input Amplifier with High Self-Protection and Rapid Recovery
- Analysis of DC Electric Fields Observed by SS-520-2 Sounding Rocket in the Polar Region, Vol.J86-B,No.2, pp.236-244
- A Driving Test of a Small DC Motor with Rectenna Array